How Purchasing Power Supports Wellness Programs.
Obesity and related health issues drive companies’ medical premiums up. Companies are struggling to provide affordable healthcare coverage to their employees. To help employees live healthier lifestyles, many companies are putting wellness programs in place.
Healthier lifestyles through regular exercise can help your employees prevent obesity and associated diseases while also improving stamina and focus.
For you, the employer, a wellness program may translate to:
- Reduced medical cost
- Fewer sick days taken
- Increase in employee productivity
- Improved mental health
Health and Wellness
However, between shift work, family commitments, general access issues and membership costs, exercising at a gym may be a larger burden for some of your employees. So, how do you encourage more of your diverse workforce to participate in your company’s wellness program? Home exercise is a great alternative or complement to gym memberships.
Purchasing Power can help! They make it easy for your employees to get the products they need to stay focused on their fitness goals. By making manageable payments over just 12 months through automatic payroll deductions, your employees can purchase fitness equipment, many with extended warranties and virtual personal training accessories included.
Your employees will appreciate you for helping them have access to a convenient and affordable payment plan through payroll deduction. You will appreciate the increase in wellness and productivity and the decrease in healthcare costs.
Fast Facts:
- Obesity-related costs – The estimated annual cost of treating obesity-related illness in adults reached $147 billion in 2009. Child obesity is growing three times faster than adult obesity.1
- Rising health care premiums – Aon Hewitt analysis indicates that over a decade, average total health care premiums will have more than doubled, from $4,038 in 2001 to $9,821 in 2011.2
- Winter weight gain – Studies show that the average person gains ½ pound to nearly 2 pounds each winter. Over the course of a decade, the average person gains 5 to 20 pounds in winter months alone.
- Improved mental health – Physical activity appears to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety and to improve mood. Regular physical activity may reduce the risk of developing depression.
Purchasing Power Helps Your Employees through:
Education | Family Enrichment | Stress Relief
1The Economics Of Childhood Obesity, Health Affairs, March 2010
2Aon Hewitt Study, Trends in HR and Employee Benefits: Health Care Cost Trends, November 2010